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Small Business Advice

High quality advice to accelerate business growth


We offer advanced and customized advisory services to ensure smooth acquisitions and mergers.

We can help your company acquire much needed capital to grow your business.

We provide strategic solutions by identifying opportunities to help your business succeed and grow your wealth.



Business Consultation

Business Advisory Services

As a business owner you know operating a business in today's competitive environment can be challenging, especially if your business has only recently opened its doors. To help your new or smaller business survive and thrive, our accountancy firm offers comprehensive and strategic business consultation.  We focus on providing meaningful and strategic solutions based on your business' unique needs so your business can grow and generate better cash flow. 



Starting a new business alone can be difficult. If you are not aware or wholly familiar with the laws and regulations pertinent to your specific industry, such as real estate or technology, new business owners can find themselves struggling to keep their business afloat before they’ve had the opportunity to make a profit. 

At Shahi CPA, we can help clients avoid these situations through our small business strategic consultation. 

The focus of these consultations is to educate small and starting businesses on the various tax and accounting issues that they are likely to face. As an experienced and professional business advisor, we can help you improve your business strategy, identify tax and business management laws that may apply to you, and offer overall advice on successfully starting and running your own company. Many of our consistent start-up clients were helped significantly by these strategies, and we are confident that we can similarly serve your new business’ unique needs.

Improve your cashflow

We know that poor cashflow is the number one reason why businesses fail. We’re here to change that. Cashflow can be a tricky thing to manage and improve, but we’ve learned a few things over the years. We’ll advise you on the way cash flows in and out of your business, prepare budgets and forecasting reports and then help you improve your cashflow.

Increase profitability

We make sure all our clients, no matter what size, industry or business type, always have the latest figures at hand. We don’t just stop there though, we actually want to see you improve. We’ll assess your current profitability and proactively bring up ideas to improve it. Ultimately, it means more money in your pocket.

Grow your business

Our accounting firm sees ourselves as your business partner. That means we’re here for you every step of the way. Yes, we’re good at crunching the numbers, but we can also give you smart advice that helps you take forward steps in your business.


At Shahi CPA, we offers business consultation throughout GTA. To learn more about our business consulting and business startup services, call us today.

Start maximizing your business potential and growth today.

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